Monday 19 May 2014

9th Time Lucky: Arsenal End Trophy Drought

Blogger: #14

As someone whose first ever Arsenal game was an F.A. Cup Final (2005 vs Manchester United), the 17th of May, 2014 had a sense of occasion to it that earlier trophy challenges didn't have. In short, if one wanted to make a crappy movie about the trophy drought, one would choose the drought to be ended the way it started: with an F.A. Cup. In hindsight, that wasn't in short, was it?

Jokes aside, what a fantastic day it was. Yours truly hasn't ever won a trophy as a fan, and this was every bit as sweet as I had imagined it to be. I'll be honest, the F.A. Cup was never really high on my priority list, but boy, did 'the romance of the cup' sweep me off my feet, buy me a fancy gown and expensive jewellery, and then take me out to that fancy bistro I've been meaning to go. I know, I said jokes aside, I'm sorry. This truly was a liberating moment. It was a victory that brought a sense of completion to the myriad of emotions this wonderful football club evokes in me. I've felt anguish, heartbreak, fleeting moments of joy, disbelief, hope, expectation, excitement, anxiety, exasperation in one combination or the other over the past 9 years. But with this trophy, I can finally experience peace; that warm glow of satisfaction when you see a 'PASS' in your report card.

What was truly remarkable about that victory was that it wasn't an Arsenal that was different from the Arsenal of the previous 9 years that turned up, it was the same old Arsenal. Those 120 minutes encapsulated 9 years of Arsenal: the woeful defending, the indomitable spirit to shoot ourselves in the foot before pulling a rabbit out of the hat when there is no hat to be seen - let alone a rabbit, the atypical scruffy goal, the silky interplay with no end product, the silky interplay with some serious end product, the relief when we finally take control, the almost instantaneous wiping out of said relief by an almighty defensive screw-up. Yet, we pulled through. And somehow, pulling through in this manner makes it seem all the more significant. An assured Arsenal, a calm, surgical one, ending the trophy drought would have felt a little out of place. No Sir, we wanted the Arsenal that we've loved and despaired over to end it. And end it they did.

The implications are immense. We've finally put a full stop to the stadium move chapter and have started a new chapter. A chapter of belief, firepower and ability. Many people attribute City's ascension to the Premier League summit to their F.A. Cup victory the previous season. There's absolutely no reason why the F.A. Cup can't do the same for us. You could see that a weight had been lifted off the players' shoulders. The celebrations were incredible and I shall most certainly tell my grandchildren about how Lukas Podolski poured champagne all over Arsene Wenger. Assuming I have grandchildren.

The parade was a party after the party, an afterpartyparty if you will. I know I'm just rambling on making this a bit of a shit report instead of a shit celebratory post but hey, my team just won the F.A. Cup. The players seem to be a bunch of incredibly nice guys and you can't help but love people like Arteta, Ramsey, Rosicky, Mertesacker, Koscielny, Diaby, Szczesny, Gibbs, Walcott, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Gibbs, Podolski, Sagna,... them. Speaking of Sagna, I sincerely hope his teammates and a bunch of fans asking him to stay is enough to convince him. Because who needs wage demands to be met?

I kid, I kid. It'd be brilliant if he signed on. Top quality right back who can double up as a top centre back. The contract's on the table. Fabianski signing on would be great too, but that would be really stretching things. Kallstrom will be leaving, and Vermaelen could too. But there are two men who require special mention.
Arsene Wenger has faced a lot of stick, he's made a few mistakes, and as long as he's around I shall always hate transfer windows, but he absolutely deserves to and should stay on as Arsenal manager. His contribution to this football club is immeasurable and the man truly deserves a fair crack at the job with fewer restrictions. Next season, with a few signings, this team could seriously contend for the league (some might say it already did this season) and maybe even the Champions League.

But wait, what was the 2nd departure I wanted to address, you ask? Well, it is the departure of Emiliano Viviano, who shall go down in history for enjoying the greatest gap year of all time. Seriously, the guy took one year off to sit on his arse and look a little like Almunia and not only was he paid for it, he also got a winner's medal. Legend. Arsenal have been privileged to watch this unfold. Oooh to be a Gooner!

Think you know of a better gap year? Drop in a comment.
Thanking You,
Yours sincerely,

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